Instead of studying the movement problems of A-T, neuroscientists at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School will soon begin studying how A-T affects cognition, especially how A-T kids learn and process emotions. Besides increasing our understanding of the abnormal brain circuitry in A-T, this study may produce recommendations that help children with A-T do better in school, significantly improving their quality of life.
The A-T Children’s Project will fund Jeremy Schmahmann, MD and Franziska Hoche, MD to perform this groundbreaking work by examining 22 children with A-T, 3 to 20 years old, and determining how A-T has affected their educational, social and psychological well-being. Dr. Schmahmann, a highly respected neurologist who has played a pioneering role in revealing the cerebellum’s role in cognition, is confident that this study will generate important discoveries about A-T and other cerebellar diseases.
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