Sharon McGrath-Morrow, a pediatric pulmonologist, published results showing that higher levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in the blood, markers for inflammation, are associated with poorer lung function in people with A-T, suggesting a link between inflammation and lung decline in this disease.
Maureen Lefton-Greif, a speech and swallowing specialist, published results demonstrating abnormal coupling of breathing and swallowing in individuals with A-T, associated with an increased risk for aspiration. This abnormal coupling may reveal swallowing problems in people with A-T before nutritional and lung problems appear.
Howard Lederman, Director of the A-T Clinical Center, together with Yosef Shiloh, a long-time A-T researcher at Tel Aviv University, published a review of aging in A-T, an area that is gaining more awareness as individuals with A-T live longer due to improvements in clinical care. Their review describes aspects of premature aging seen in the clinic and in laboratory models of A-T, and proposes how loss of the A-T protein may accelerate aging.
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