width=The A-T Children’s Project (A-TCP) loves all fundraisers, but we especially love fundraisers that involve delicious cookies! This New York bakery, Cookie Tray, is celebrating Rare Disease Day by selling scrumptious sugar cookies shaped like jeans to benefit the A-TCP. The cookies come with edible ink markers to doodle on the jeans. You can be a fashion designer, cookie decorator, master taste-tester and supporter of the A-TCP all in one!


Brian decorating cookies!

Cookie Tray’s creative take on Rare Disease Day’s “Jeans for Genes” campaign is in honor of A-T warrior Brian D. Brian is no stranger to cookies and has even decorated cookies with Cookie Tray before.

Cookie Tray’s jean cookies are available online and ship anywhere in the continental United States. 50% of the proceeds are donated to the A-T Children’s Project:


“Jeans for Genes” has been a popular way to fundraise on Rare Disease Day since its inception in 2008. The campaign’s clever use of homonyms “jeans” and “genes” is not only catchy, but educational because many rare diseases are genetic, caused by variants in a person’s genes.

Office workers can participate in “Jeans for Genes” by making a donation to a rare disease organization to earn the privilege of wearing jeans to work rather than business clothes on Rare Disease Day. Many schools use “Jeans for Genes” as an awareness initiative and encourage students to wear jeans to school on Rare Disease Day to show they care about rare diseases and to make a statement that although each rare disease may be rare on its own, together the rare disease community is mighty.

We hope you will join the A-T Children’s Project in celebrating Rare Disease Day this year on February 28! Thank you to Cookie Tray for helping us move A-T research forward!

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