2023 started off with a bang! This past weekend at Walt Disney World, 146 people ran on behalf of the A-T CureTeam. Many months of hard work training and hard work fundraising paid off as these runners raised over $545,000 for the A-T Children’s Project! We are so excited to put these funds to work toward life-improving treatments and a cure right away.
The A-T Children’s Project participates in runDisney’s Walt Disney World Marathon weekend in January every year. The event is our largest annual fundraiser, so we were thrilled to be back to host our first in-person Disney weekend and pasta dinner since the pandemic. Over 200 people attended the pasta dinner during marathon weekend including 26 A-T families. There were Disney characters, photo ops, dancing, balloon animals, a view of Magic Kingdom fireworks, a research update from the A-TCP’s Executive Director and, most importantly, an abundance of HOPE. Check out all the photos on our Facebook page here.
Johnson’s Angels and their team at this year’s pasta dinner!
If you are interested in running with the A-T CureTeam at Walt Disney World in 2024, please get started by completing this form. We’d love to have you join!
Thank you to everyone who made this year’s marathon weekend such a success! We are so appreciative of our A-T CureTeam members who registered to race and to their donors who supported us in fundraising for a cure.