As 2022 is coming to an end, we’d like to take this time to extend our gratitude to each and every one of our grassroots fundraisers who have joined us this year in our mission to cure A-T.

From golf tournaments to bake sales, each dollar raised has made a direct impact in our fight for a cure. This year, we have made remarkable progress in research toward life-improving therapies and a cure for A-T. Check out what we have been working on here. These exciting achievements could not have been possible without the support of our grassroots fundraisers like you!

We’d also like to remind you that the holiday season is upon us and hearts are full! This time of year, many people are moved to generosity and make year-end donations to the A-T Children’s Project. These donations help us plan for 2023 and start the new year off with momentum! Here are some creative ways some of our fundraisers are using the holiday season to fundraise for the A-TCP:

HOLIDAY Movie Night

 width=New Egypt High School Business Academy is at it again, wowing us with their creative fundraisers in honor of Connor K. from New Jersey! They recently hosted a Polar Express Movie Night for high schoolers in the school’s auditorium.

Complete with golden “Believe” tickets, pajama attire and fresh popcorn, tickets were $4 at the door or $3 pre-sale with all proceeds benefitting the A-T Children’s Project. Thank you NEHS Business Academy for your hard work!


 width=Ty is eight years old and has A-T. This year, his mom is using a Christmas party as an opportunity to raise funds and increase awareness about A-T. To spread the word about A-T while keeping the spirit bright, the A-T Children’s Project has made a short brochure for Ty’s family to have on-hand. The brochure includes recent photos of Ty and a QR code that will send party guests to Ty’s fundraising page on JustGiving. If you are interested in a custom brochure with your child’s photos – whether for the holidays, Rare Disease Day in February or any other occasion – please let us know at!


 width=As 2023 approaches, please keep the A-T Children’s Project in mind as you meet up with family and friends. We hope you will tell them about our mission and the progress we have made recently. It is our belief that this will not only demonstrate the impact of gifts made to the A-T Children’s Project, but it will also spread a message of HOPE to bring us into the new year.

Nothing the A-T Children’s Project does would be possible without the help of our grassroots fundraisers! THANK YOU for all your hard work and for bringing hope to the A-T community!

Want to discuss what 2023 fundraising could look like for you? We’d love to chat! Call us at 954-481-6611 or email our Fundraising Coordinator, Kimberly Beisner, at

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