width=Congratulations to Team Lincoln on a successful virtual auction! Using our virtual auction platform, 32auctions, it is easier than ever to set-up your own auction and raise funds for the A-T Children’s Project (A-TCP). Check out Team Lincoln’s auction page here. Be sure to take a look at how they were able to use the platform to sell raffle tickets and collect donations too!

We love how virtual auctions allow event hosts to expand their reach. Supporters can participate in the auction from ANYWHERE – bidding on the go from their phone or from their computer. Better yet, supporters can easily share the link to the auction with friends to reach more and more people.

Lincoln’s parents, Andrea and Brandon, have some helpful tips for anyone considering hosting their own virtual auction!

On Getting Items Our advice to get auction items is to ask everywhere! No donation is too small. Donated items can be combined with other items to create baskets. Also, start as early as you can. The earlier you ask the more likely you will get donations. Some companies limit their donation numbers for the year, so asking early is helpful. We also found that email/online requests are common for larger businesses. We have found that golf courses and other small businesses prefer in-person. For in-person requests, try to find out who approves the donation request and speak with them directly. We are learning each year who requires what and noting in a tracking spreadsheet. 

Ask for help! If you have questions, ask the A-TCP team. Ask friends and family to help with donation requests. 

Spreading the Word We told our supporters about the auction by posting on Team Lincoln’s Facebook page, sharing on our personal Facebook pages and asking close friends and family to share as well. We also posted flyers around town and a sign in our front yard the week of the event with a link to the A-TCP event page.

Sponsorships One thing we wanted to recreate from our in-person event was sponsorships. We found that having business support allows us to raise larger amounts, so having sponsorship levels for business and individuals is important. Looking back we wish we would have had lower dollar-amount sponsorships for individuals or families to show their support and be recognized during the event. 

To get started, the A-TCP creates your auction page and invites you as the host so you have editing privileges. Check out all the unique and user-friendly features the platform offers:

  • Add photos of your A-T warrior
  • Customize the auction’s URL
  • Set the color scheme
  • Feature sponsor logos
  • Automatically email participants when they are outbid
  • Collect and receipt payment
  • Send payment reminders
  • Transition to live event
  • Set shipping cost by item
  • Download list of winners

Creating a virtual auction is not only easy, but it is effective! Team Lincoln’s auction raised over $18,000 for the A-T Children’s Project!!

We are so grateful for all our supporters who are raising funds – thank you for bringing the day when A-T is “going, going, and gone” within our reach.

If you are interested in hosting a virtual auction, reach out to us at fundraising@atcp.org

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