width=Scott Brady joined Team Jared in 2021 after looking for a charity to run the Dopey Challenge for. (For those that don’t know, the Dopey Challenge is a big deal – challengers run the 5k, 10k, half and full marathons for a total of 48.6 miles in just four days!) Scott found the A-TCP through the RunDisney website and was moved by our mission. He knew he could make a true difference.

At last year’s Disney marathon weekend, Scott conquered the Dopey Challenge in memory of Jared proudly wearing his A-T CureTeam running shirt. In fact, Scott’s commitment to find treatments and a cure for A-T was even picked up by the local Orlando news. Check out this news segment where Scott describes why running for our cause is so impactful and inspires so much hope.

This year, Scott is back for the Dopey Challenge and has already started on his fundraising goal of $2,000. He and his wife, Alyssa, volunteered with the A-T Volunteer Squad at the Tampa Rugged Maniac event in the spring in exchange for a donation to the A-TCP. A fellow CureTeam member and Dopey challenger, Perry, also volunteered at this event. Scott and Perry both RAN in the Rugged Maniac race after they finished volunteering!

Scott is also picking up odd jobs in his community in exchange for a donation. Scott says,“When people ask, ‘What do you do?’ Answer: ‘Whatever it takes’” (author unknown). For me, ‘whatever it takes’ currently looks like any odd job I can do, regardless of size. It looks like rehoming possessions, even ones I’d rather keep. It looks like sweat, aches, and pains. But sometimes it looks less grimy, as I use my words, instead of my hands, to team up with people who can help. It looks like ‘whatever it takes’ to raise $2,000 for the A-TCP.”

So far, he’s tried his hand at tree-trimming and pressure-washing with great success. We just love his commitment and dedication to this mission! If you get a chance to meet Scott and his wife Alyssa (perhaps at Disney 2023!), right away you will be struck by their heartfelt compassion and energizing motivation. The A-T CureTeam is so grateful to have them fighting this fight with us!


Scott is joined by his mom in this race. She is also a member of the CureTeam!

This year at Disney, Scott is most looking forward to “tackling the crazy hard Dopey Challenge again for the A-TCP in hopes it can inspire someone to do the hard things when they feel completely inadequate or not strong enough, and maybe even finding another A-T CureTeam member!” He advises any first-time Dopey challengers to take the shorter races slow to save energy and keep pain levels down. Scott emphasizes that it’s important to “SLEEP as much as you can during the marathon weekend and remember to stay hydrated and fuel along the race courses appropriately!”

 width=Scott writes, “My ‘suffering’ is nothing like what these kids and adults with A-T and other illnesses have. My aches and pains go away so I’ll keep on going as long as I can.” If you’d like to follow Scott’s fundraising progress, you can check out his page here.

Scott is just one of our many amazing members of the CureTeam joining us at Disney in January 2023. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to us at fundraising@atcp.org as soon as possible.

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a genetic disease that causes loss of muscle control and balance, cancer, lung disease and immune system problems in children and young adults, shortening their lives. The nonprofit A-T Children’s Project partners with academic and industry investigators worldwide – organizing and supporting innovative research, conferences, clinical teams, data platforms and biomarkers – to optimize disease management strategies, develop new treatments and find a cure.

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