width=Giving Tuesday is here!! Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past nine years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Giving Tuesday is one of the biggest fundraising days of the year for the A-T Children’s Project (A-TCP).

You can help us make this year our best Giving Tuesday yet by asking your family and friends to make a donation to the A-TCP. Here are some easy ways to get started:


Fundraising on Facebook is INCREDIBLE! It is one of the easiest ways to spread awareness about A-T, reach out to your friends and family and raise funds for the A-TCP all at once. You can either add a ‘Donate’ button to a post or create a fundraiser. Learn how to add a donate button or create a fundraiser here. Check out some examples from a few years ago to the left. Create your Facebook A-TCP fundraiser here.


 width=This year, you have the opportunity to create your own Giving Tuesday fundraising page! Using a platform called JustGiving, your page can be customized with images of your family and your story about why finding a cure for A-T is meaningful to you. You can also set your own fundraising goal and even your own URL.

Your supporters will LOVE the ability to leave a message with their donation. Look at the “Max’s Mission” page for an example and see all the donor messages on the right side.

To learn how to set-up your own JustGiving page for Giving Tuesday, please read our guide HERE. To start creating your fundraising page now, go to https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/ATCPgivingtuesday2021.

Forward Our Research Update

<p”>Yesterday, we sent out an email with some exciting research updates. We hope you will forward the email on to your friends and family so they can see the impact of their support! Don’t forget to include the link to donate too.

Here’s an example introduction you could use when forwarding along the A-TCP email: “We are excited to share with you the great news coming from the A-T Children’s Project regarding expanded gene therapy research, continued biomarker studies and numerous ongoing clinical studies and trials about A-T. It’s because of supporters like you that enable the A-TCP to do what they do, and it’s because of you that we continue to have hope for a cure to A-T. We hope you will consider making a donation this Giving Tuesday and give our family the gift of hope.”

Thank you for taking part in this global day of generosity. Grassroots fundraisers are the lifeblood of the A-T Children’s Project and we could not be more grateful. Your efforts truly make a difference! We encourage you to reach out to us at fundraising@atcp.org or 954-481-6611 to discuss how we can support your fundraising.

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